As Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare hits the shelves only yesterday, players are getting to grips with the futuristic setting and new features of the series.

While a lot has been made of its cast - Game of Thrones' Kit Harington and UFC Champion Conor McGregor - there's a few other actors in the videogame's cast. One of them we clocked during the opening mission and plays a pretty central role throughout the singleplayer campaign.

Corporal - and later Sergeant Brooks - is the player's trusted sidekick and companion, offering the odd quip and joke in between firing off rounds of bullets and generally fighting his way through the game.

He features in one key scene in the game, which is already getting some stick for its somewhat ridiculous attempt at emotion in which the player's controller controls a heart as it beats its last.

Here's the scene in question, FYI.

As you probably clocked, the character who's helping you is Irish and he's played by Jason Brady - better known to you as Dano from Love / Hate, who as we know is more than capable of handling a gun.

It's a small world, even in space-based videogames.

Via Kotaku