"Playstation 5. The Wii cosplaying as Batman."

The memes are at it again.

The Playstation 5 memes are in full swing after the release of pretty much every detail of what's to come from Sony's newest gaming console, set to release this winter.

The Playstation 5 has finally been unveiled after months of rumours and teases from Sony. As well as the unveiling, a raft of new, rebooted, and updated versions of video games have also been confirmed, including a brand new 'Spider-Man' featuring Miles Morales, a 'Ratchet & Clank' reboot, and a newer version of 'Grand Theft Auto 5'.

The sleek design of the new Sony console sees the introduction of curves once again into one of their gaming systems, with the traditional rectangular-shape being thrown out in favour of a curvaceous console, the likes of which hasn't been seen since Playstation 3.

And here's some of the best Playstation 5 memes that we've spotted on Twitter for you to have a gawk at.


What's the wifi password?


Don't let the pickle fall out!


And it only took 11 more years to design.


Nope, that's not Dubai's Burg Al Arab you're seeing.


Aren't we all just a Trash Queen, deep down?


Oh, we love a good pun.


He's not sorry at all is he?


Microsoft also unveiled their X-Box Series X to gamers, and side-by-side with the Playstation 5 it looks rather pedestrian.

What do you think of the Playstation 5 design? Let us know your opinions in the Facebook comments.