Publisher: EA / 38 Studios / Big Huge Games

Cert: 18+

Platform: Xbox 360, PC, Playstation 3

Genre: RPG

Finally done with Skyrim? Then consider Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. It a new sprawling new IP developed by some of the industry talent behind previous Elder Scrolls games as well as Todd McFarlane of Spawn fame.

This RPG is about a nomad/human/dark elf/light elf resurrected from the dead to play a pivotal role in a war gripping Amalur. The game dynamics are a curious blend of World of Warcraft and God of War and the quest system will feel immediately familiar to anyone who has played the MMO while the timing based nature of the combat is a homage to Kratos.

KOA strengths are the character customisation options, the voice work and the range of side quests which do a great job of dragging players away from the twenty hour long main plot-line. The wealth of in-game lore also makes it hard to believe this is the first release in this series. Unfortunately, the player becomes overpowered towards the end, the bosses are uninspired and the loot system feels redundant when compared to the crafting system. There's also a few technical problems, particularly with the camera. These are all minor quibbles, however.

It is always a risky endeavour for a Western studio to launch a new IP within the RPG genre but KOA is a qualified success.

Rent or Buy: Buy

Graphics: 4/5

Game Play: 4/5

Replay Value: 4/5

Overall: 4/5

Reviewed by: Bryan Collins