The latest 'Star Wars' game looks very, very promising.

'Jedi: Fallen Order' understandably comes with a lot of expectation, not the least of it being that it's a 'Star Wars' game.

Down through the years, the virtue of being a 'Star Wars' game has never been a reliable marker for it being actually good. You've got the likes of 'X-Wing Alliance' and 'Knights of the Old Republic' - some of the best games ever made, period - and then you've got the likes of the very bland MMO, 'The Old Republic', and the enjoyable-but way too short 'The Force Unleashed II'.

In short, it's been a mixed bag over the years - but 'Jedi: Fallen Order' has a lot going for it if this gameplay footage is anything to go by. A full 13-minute video was uploaded by EA Star Wars and showcases what to expect. Going by this, it looks to be much more about platform jumping, climbing than endless combat ala 'The Force Unleashed'.

Not only that, the acting talent on display - Forest Whittaker back as Saw Guerrera, for example - tells you that they're clearly putting effort into it. Respawn Entertainment, the developers behind 'Jedi: Fallen Order', are also responsible for office favourite 'Titanfall 2' and the more recent 'Apex Legends', so the pedigree is definitely there.

The gameplay footage takes place on Kashyyyk, and sees you slicing your way through an Imperial refinery to help free Wookiee slaves. As mentioned, Forrest Whitaker turns up here and there as Saw Guerrera. You, however, play as Cal Kestis, who's acted by 'Gotham' alum Cameron Monaghan.

'Jedi: Fallen Order' is available from November 15th and we'll hopefully have a review before then.