2013 was a bumper year for games

With games getting increasingly expensive, we’ve decided to look at some of the top games from 10 years ago. If you haven’t played any of these now is the time as they’re all at bargain basement prices.

'Tomb Raider'

The tenth 'Tomb Raider' game is a reboot of the series and offers a look into Lara Croft's early years. It has many tropes of an action-adventure game from the time – stealth, crafting, skill points and collectables, and a great story to tie everything together.

'Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag'

If you haven’t played this game by now, you’re doing yourself a great disservice. Known as one of the best games in the series, the naval combat in particular as well as the ship upgrade system set this game apart from any of the ones previous in the series, and now looking back it’s easy to say it’s better than some, if not all, of the most recent ones. 

'BioShock Infinite'

The last in the 'BioShock' series, this game took the themes from its predecessors and brought them to strange new places involving time travel and multi-verses, before they were cool! The story here is really the main reason for playing, but the gameplay is quite rewarding too with different powers and weapons to help you quickly dispatch your enemies. The whole series is well worth playing if you haven’t yet.

'The Last of Us'

That’s right, 'The Last of Us' was originally released 10 years ago and has only just come to PC this year. The narrative-driven game was so impressive that it immediately grew a cult following, which has led to it being remastered, remade, and re-released on PS4 and PC, and of course, has spawned the hit TV show starring Pedro Pascal as Joel. The recent re-releases will still be pretty expensive, but if you can find a PS3 you should be able to pick up a used copy of the original quite cheap.