How desperately wholesome.

Seeing as how we're all indoors for the next while, finding ways to pass the hours and days is a full-time occupation.

People are taking up baking, reading books, and playing videogames more and it's the same for celebrities. Just ask Elijah Wood, who rocked up to some random person's island on 'Animal Crossing: New Horizons'. Sure enough, he's not the only one getting in on the action.

US politician Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has now joined the gaming community and has been making island visits, having recently taken the plunge with a Nintendo Switch. AOC took to Twitter last night to announce her intention to start visiting random islands in the game, and even opened up her DMs for Dodo codes.

By all accounts, the whole thing is incredibly wholesome and AOC's DM folder was filled with people offering Dodo codes, turnips, advice on how to capture and export screenshots, and much more in the brief window she opened it up.

Not only that, the Washington Post interviewed one of the families that AOC visited, saying that the US Representative for New York's 14th congressional district didn't stay long, but offered up some pears from her island and worked out how to use the Nintendo Switch's smartphone app for texting.

AOC has been open about how much she enjoys gaming, and has even turned up on a few Twitch streams to help out with progressive causes.