The game has surpassed records set by 'Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild'.

Even though it's only been out for two months, 'Animal Crossing: New Horizons' is now the biggest game on the Nintendo Switch.

Figures released by Nielesen's SuperData show that gaming is on the up and up during lockdown, with an increase of 17% from this time last year, totalling $10.6 billion across the entire month. More specifically, 'Animal Crossing' sold 3.6 million units globally in that time period.

At an RRP of around €59.99, 'Animal Crossing: New Horizons' has made Nintendo an estimated €216 million in that time. All told, the game has sold a whopping 13.41 million units since its release just six weeks ago. The game's success also contributed to a sharp rise in sales of the Switch console. In its first month of release, sales of the Nintendo Switch shot up 150%.

In fact, the game has become the top Switch title for digital sales and digital revenue, easily beating records set by the likes of 'Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild', 'Mario Kart 8', and 'Super Mario Maker'.

As well as the lockdown measures in place, the game's popularity has also been attributed to the many celebrity players it's had since release, with names as random as Elijah Wood, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Danny Trejo, the cast of 'SNL' and many more besides.