entertainment.ie have teamed up with Centra to bring a bit of normality back to your Thursday evenings.

With the nation staying at home for the next few weeks, entertainment.ie have teamed up with Centra to bring you the ‘Staying In To Win’ quiz this Thursday evening at 8.00pm. This week's theme celebrates the nostalgia of growing up in Ireland.

Round up your family and friends to take part and relive the banter of your favourite pub quiz nights with entertainment.ie Movie Editor Brian Lloyd as he streams live from the Centra Ireland Facebook page.

This week's quiz theme is 'Growing up in Ireland', so head over to the Centra Ireland Facebook page at 8pm on Thursday 30th April to relive some nostalgia and reminisce on the good times of growing up in Ireland.

Get the old quiz team together and don’t miss out on the chance to win some amazing prizes, all from the comfort of your own home. Previous winners have been quizzing with friends, family and housemates and even teaming up on Zoom to play, and with so many chances to win prizes, you'd be a fool not to join us.

"Prizes?!" you cry? Yes, glorious prizes await with ten €50 Centra gift cards on offer for lucky quizzers who answer a question right in the comments. And if that doesn't get you thirsty for playing there's also a whopping €260 gift card up for grabs too. You could spend it on anything you like, but considering Centra’s Chicken Fillet Roll is a national delicacy, the Gold Card would actually allow you to get one free Chicken Fillet Roll a WEEK for a year. Imagine!

With that in mind, we wanted to know, how do you fill yours?

Catch this week's 'Staying In To Win Quiz' live-streaming on Thursday 30th April at 8.00pm sharp over on the Centra Facebook page.

Get ahead of the crowd and brush up on your trivia skills with the entertainment.ie weekly music quiz.