Moving Bodies as a international touring festival arriving in Dublin's Hugh Lane Gallery, Temple Bar Gallery and Dance Ireland from 26 - 30 July.

It's a rare opportunity for performing arts professionals and students to work with Japanese and European artists, while also facilitating an encounter for peripheral European audiences who are rarely exposed to contemporary Japanese performing arts, as part of their outreach programme.

The project is intended as an exercise in cultural diplomacy and intercultural development fostering mutual understanding through cultural participation in our universal humanity, and prior specificities such as the Irish influence through Francis Bacon from the founder of Butoh, Hijikata through to current artists such as Yumiko Yoshioka, Ken Mai, Natsuko Kono and the European Ambra G. Bergamasco, Paul Michael Henry and Yuri Dini supported by the renowned lighting designer Conleth White and Production Manager Marie Tierney.

Launch of the festival at Hugh Lane Gallery with Ambra G. Bergamasco and Dr. Joshep Cphen (UCD) Tickets: €15 euro / €12 conc. Festival Performance Pass €24 Festival Workshop Pass €140 euro.