#ClimateStrike, the global strike for action against climate change, takes place on Friday September 20th

Over 15,000 Irish students and young people took part in a strike for climate change in March 2019 and this Friday September 20th, they're asking adults to join them as part of the global climate strike for action against climate change.

If you're looking for a climate strike to join tomorrow, there are marches and demonstrations big and small happening throughout the country.

Championed by Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg, tomorrow's youth-led general strike is asking adults to participate as they are crucial to solving the problem of climate change.

If you're not near any of the locations listed below, you can find information on local demonstrations and how to set up your own on actionnetwork.org.

Dublin: Gathering 12:00 at Customs House, marching at 12:30 to Merrion Sq., rallying 13:00 - 14:00 at Merrion Sq. in front of Govt. buildings

Cork City: Gathering on Grand Parade St. from 12:00, marching at 12:20

Kerry (Tralee): Meet at County Buildings, Ratass, at 9am

Clare (Ennis): Meet at The Height, O’Connell Square at 9am

Drogheda: Demonstrating from 13:00 outside St. Peters's Church, West St.

Galway: Demonstrating from 13:00 - 16:00 in Eyre Square

Navan: Demonstrating from 13:00 - 15:00 at the Market Square

Limerick: Marching from Arthur's Quay Park at 13:00, finishing at City Hall.

Dundalk: Demonstrating from 12:30 - 15:00 in the Market Square

Kenmare: Demonstrating from 9:00 - 13:00 outside the Courthouse