After releasing their debut album 'Chariot' completely for free online via last year, word rapidly spread that The Cast of Cheers were one of Ireland's finest up and coming talents. With the album now nominated for the Choice Music Prize the buzz surrounding this band is only going to get bigger.
For a country that's produced plenty in the way of instrumental math rock (Redneck Manifesto, Enemies) and top class indie-pop (Two Door Cinema Club), it almost seems strange that no-one put the two together before. It works flawlessly for The Cast of Cheers, perhaps because they offer up catchy sing-along choruses and irresistible, vibrant guitar hooks while still retaining that punkish attitude and hints of experimentalism. The guitar work here is key, sharply and speedily jerking back and forth with the help of pedal loops, all the while solidified with stomping bass lines and thumping drums.
An exuberant and dynamic live act, The Cast of Cheers have a certain youthful vigour that comes through clearly on record, too. The swift pace, rhythmic backing vocals and circling verse of 'Tip The Can' make it one of Chariot's most infectious offerings, while it's next to impossible to resist tapping your foot to the rigid beat of 'Derp'. That Conor Adams' lead vocals are often laced in crunchy distortion adds an extra rough edge to his violent bark, much more dominant than the hazy reverb that softens him on the punchy 'Deceptapunk'.
One could easily continue to wax lyrical about the invigorating and infectious nature of the quirky pop-punk found throughout the duration of Chariot, but the fact that The Cast of Cheers have come so far with little or no official promotion speaks for itself.