Taking a dump could soon become a very profitable business.

Clostridium difficile, also known as C.Diff, is an increasingly common infection that's caused by overuse of antibiotics.

In layman's terms, C.Diff destroys the good bacteria in your gut, resulting in diahrrhea, intestinal inflammation and even in some cases, death.

This year alone, C.Diff has been the cause of over 14,000 deaths in the US alone.

There's a way to treat it, however. By transplanting fecal matter - poo, essentially - from a person without C.Diff to one who does, the good bacteria is reintroduced into the affected system and should grow again.

The process is called fecal microbiota transplantation and has a high success rate in treating C.Diff.

OpenBiome, a non-profit organisation, is now seeking donors of healthy poo and are willing to pay for it.

Fecal microbiota transplantation is already being tested on patients with irritable bowel syndrome , or IBS and is even being used to treat patients with HIV.

If you pass their stringent pre-qualifying conditions - restricted foreign travel, a BMI below 30, etc. - donors will then be paid $40 per bowel movement and could potentially earn up to $13,000 a year.

Not bad money for reading stuff on the crapper, unless you're on those weirdos who makes phonecalls when taking a dump. In which case, ew.


Via MSN Health