Yes, you read that title correctly. You may remember the children's toy Crocodile Dentist. It involved a spring-loaded crocodile that had loose teeth. The object was to push the teeth down and miss the spring-loaded tooth that would collapse the mouth. The trick was that every tooth could possibly trigger the mechanism.

It was kind of like Buckaroo except you didn't catch your finger in anything. It was pretty intense.

Well, somebody made it 500% more intense and stuck - wait for it - ACTUAL RAZOR BLADES into the teeth of the toy. What you get it is probably the most intense children's toy game you are ever likely to see.

The video, thankfully, doesn't show the after effects of what happens, but we TOTALLY DO NOT RECOMMEND YOU DO THIS AND WE WILL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE IF YOU DO. DON'T EVEN SEND US VIDEOS OF IT.

There, that'll keep the legal people happy. Now watch the video.