Now before you go judging anyone, let's consider the fact that this is something that you know that you would 100% have done had you been offered it when you were in college. Except you clearly really shouldn't.

Chelsie Redwood from Solent University in the UK was on a night out when her mates dared her to stick her head in a bottle bank with a reward of £10 and a Big Mac if she plunged her head in and plunge in she did. After she got her head stuck in the hole of a bottle recycling bin, emergency services had to come to the rescue, and when they arrived at 3am, they found Redwood surrounded by her friends who thankfully were on hand to document the whole event.

Once firemen freed her, she was said to be 'very relieved' and promised she'd 'never do that again'. Well we'd be very surprised if you did love.

Clearly the lure of a few extra quid and a delicious treat was enough to overwhelm her powers of reasoning. The power of the golden arches is just too strong sometimes.

 Via The Telegraph