While we bask in the glorious sunshine like a bunch of pasty seals (well, some of you acquire a tan faster than the rest of us Celts; I'm just jealous), it's not all fun and games in the sun.

Rumour has it, a drought is on the way. And as you've probably guessed, that's not a good thing. Should it hit us hard, our vibrant green pastures will lose their emerald hue only to dry out like the Serengeti while familes the length and breadth of the country will argue over shower water, only for the mammy to fire all kids in the bath at once.

Met Éireann have issued a weather warning that temperatures are set to soar to 30 degrees and beyond over the coming weekend. However, not only are they warning you to get your factor on, they're also forecasting that Ireland will be in a state of 'absolute drought' by today's close.

Why has this happened? It's not just the high temperatures, it's because for the last 15 days consecutively, we've only experienced 0.1mm of rainfall at the country's various measuring stations. The plants, THE PLANTS!

As a means to an end, it is expected that councils will impose a restriction on water usage, and it's been reported that in some areas water hoses have been banned. So that's an end to the water fights then.

On the plus side, assuming we don't dry ourselves of our last resources and exploit our water needs, temperatures are set to remain in the high 20s right through next week. No more will we hark back to the 90s for those hot, hazy summers, we'll look to 2013 when it comes to next year's collective moan that the weather has returned to shit.

So, for now, keep the showers in which you muse about your entire life's plan to a minimum, and lash on the factor 50. Don't forget, there's nothing sexy about skin damage.