Cert: 15+
Platform: PS3/Xbox
Genre: RPG

Drawing elements from every spy movie that's been and gone, Alpha protocol must, on first glance, be commended for creating an RPG title and moving it from its more patented fantastical world setting into a real world through which we travel from Moscow to Rome. Unfortunately that's were most commendations end as Alpha Protocal is let down by some shoddy AI, bland characterization and sub-standard graphics.

Attributes of your secret agent can be updated and improved as you progress, ranging from weapons to what type of shirt you wear, and the in-game conversations are completely interactive, allowing the player to actively affect the world they're playing in by a simple chosen response, much like the system employed in the brilliant Mass Effect. However unlike that seminal title, Alpha Protocol would be straight-to-DVD as opposed to Mass Effect's summer blockbuster.

It may engage for a while, but PS2 - style visuals, boring characters and some unforgivably naïve AI mean this is one mission that soon becomes stale and sorely unoriginal.

Rent or Buy: Rent
Graphics: 2/5
Gameplay: 3/5
Replay Value: 2/5
Overall: 2/5.

Reviewed By: Simon Rubbathan