SJP, what are we going to do with you? It's pretty much common knowledge that Sarah Jessica Parker and Kim Cattrall do not get along. Well, 'not getting along' is probably a tame way of putting it. Let's go with 'they pretty much hate each other' instead. Tempers reportedly flared up on the set of Sex and the City 2 with SJP and Cattrall either getting into heated confrontations with each other, or simply refusing to interact with each other off set. "When you're on set, you're working 90-hour weeks, you're never home, you're exhausted", said SJP. "There are times when all of us have been sensitive and sometimes feelings get hurt. But I don't have any regrets about how I've treated people." Cattrall piped in with something similar, stating "Nineteen-hour workdays are stressful, whether you're driving a truck, working in a coal mine or on set." Exactly how much experience does Kim Cattrall have with long distance trucking or working in a coal mine? Either way, the best thing to come out of the frayed relationships on set is the fact that crewmembers referred to SJP as 'Carrie Sadshaw' on set. Hilarious, but mean. Mostly hilarious though.