So this is really happening, it's actually a thing. We'll give you a moment while the nineties child in you screams into your Zac Morris and Kelly Kapowski pillow. The series, which was basically a mandatory after-school watch for every Irish youngster, ran for five seasons back in the day, and was replayed for basically a decade after.

Don't get too excited though, this TV movie will not be a 'where are they all now' thing (mainly because they'd never get the actors back) but rather a 'real life' look at what it was like for the actors behind the scenes at the peak of the show's success.

From what we can gather from the trailer, Screech HATES being called Screech, the girls are all pretty catty with one another... and, actually it seems like they all kind of hated each other.

Well thanks for shattering our childhood, Saved by the Bell Movie.

It's due to premiere state-side next month.