If there's one thing every soap needs, it's a bad guy, and Red Rock certainly found theirs in Brian McGonigle. The Garda has been wreaking havoc on the show since the very beginning, with his controversial affair with schoolgirl Rachel and the many, many threats and lies it took for him to try get away with it.

Last night however, it was finally time for Brian to meet his maker, as we saw his body washed up on the beach after being on the run, but what happened to him? No doubt next week's episode will leave Nikki and the gang attempting to work out just who out of Brian's long list of enemies could be responsible for his death, if any, but for now, let's take a moment to give a tip of our hat to the man behind the evil Brian - actor Sean Mahon.

Check out the video below of Sean's final days on set and his emotional goodbye to the cast and crew.