How are we almost at the halfway point of 'Game of Thrones'? It's really not fair.

This season has already brought us some serious badassery and a significant body count and we doubt that's going to stop if the preview for next week's episode 'The Door' is anything to go by.

It looks like Sansa is sticking with her take no prisoners attitude and asking the right questions of Littlefinger after he dumped her with Ramsay and all the horror that unfolded afterwards.

Meanwhile Arya is continuing her training and she'll seemingly be tasked with taking the life of someone who she likes (thank all the old gods and the new that no one we like is in Braavos), Yara is trying to claim the throne of the Iron Islands, Tyrion and Varys are getting a visit from a young (well, who knows now to be honest) new red priestess in Meereen and Bran is off seering again but coming face to face with an army of the undead and the White Walker head honcho.

We doubt everyone's going to make it out alive.

Can it be the weekend again please?