It has been quite the few months for our Connected ladies, who were plucked from obscurity to film their lives over the course of a year for all the nation to see. The self-shot, observational series saw Elayne, Nicole, Alanna, Kate, Venetia and Anna bravely bare their all to the world in what made for quite the compelling TV show.

It didn't take long for us all to become invested in the lives, loves and heartbreaks of these six individual ladies, and now that it's all coming to an end, we have to say, we'll miss them

Tonight sees the series finish with a double episode, the last of which will show the women addressing the entire experience of this year, with Alanna acknowledging to the camera that 'not turning this back on, is kind of like not going for another Pringle'.

There will be more Pringles though... as in a series two? They can't just cut us off like this, right? Right??