We were very excited to hear that Martin Freeman and Benedict Cumberbatch were getting ready to film the brand new series of Sherlock in a few weeks time, so when that there picture of their first read through popped up on Twitter today, we were 'excriah and delirah'. We're loving Martin's pea green cardi and purple shirt combo, almost as much as we're digging the flat caps.

Since we're such big Sherlock fans here in the office, we decided it was high time we doffed our caps to the man from Baker Street. So, here are just five things we love about Sherlock...

5. The Insults
From his belittling of John to his destruction of poor Molly at Christmas, there's no end to the lines that shouldn't make us laugh, but do. It's Cumberbatch at his snarky finest...

4. The Landlady

Mrs Hudson is so much more than just a housekeeper (never, ever call her that). There's a reason Sherlock holds this lady in such high esteem, and without her we're quite sure the whole operation would fall to pieces.

3.The Woman
Speaking of strong willed women, Sherlock Holmes had never met one quite like Ms Irene Adler. We loved watching him melt under her stare...

2. The Villain

It's rather convenient that Andrew Scott just so happens to be one of our own isn't it? The Irishman has piecked up a BAFTA and an IFTA for his performance, and that Moriarty reveal was truly memorable...

1. The Bromance

Benedict Cumberbatch
and Martin Freeman make quite the couple. ' Nuff said.

And yes, we did love 'A Scandal In Belgravia' a bit more than most other episodes...