Bit of a random one for you, but if you are a fan of Emmerdale or Jennifer Maguire you may have noticed her new husband Lau Zamparelli on the soap on Tuesday night. The actor appeared in a scene in the pub and was introduced to Vanessa by Paddy and Rhona as the couple awkwardly tried to set her up. Nigel, as he was called, was only in it briefly, but sure Jennifer was very proud altogether.
She said on her 2FM morning show; "Lau was in an episode of Emmerdale last night and he was in the pub and he was on a date with one of the main characters."
"He had his Bristol accent so he was kind of west country, kind of this geeky character. But he said they were lovely."
"One bit of goss from Emmerdale, the beer in the pub is real. When he was chatting to this blonde in the background she was telling me to go easy on the pints they sell in the bar because it's the only thing on set that's real."
Asked about whether he would appear on the soap again, Jennifer said; "Yeah, it's kind of left open."
The pair only married last July and are expecting their first child next year. Lau has appeared in a few short films too and interestingly, also works as a stunt performer on 'Vikings'. Looks like we have a new media power couple amongst us! Don't think BOD and Amy have anything to worry about just yet though...