We've been saying it for a long time, but Big Brother has clearly let the power go to his head. He's now breaking up publicity stunt love affairs, the cheek of him.

Celebrity Big Brother has been ticking along over on TV3 the last couple weeks and those of you watching will know that last year's newly engaged X Factor stars Chloe Jasmine and Stevi Ritchie were placed in the house together.

In the shopping task this week however, all housemates were forced to give up something they love. So while some of them had easy enough tasks like Jenna Jameson giving up her hair extensions and Gail Porter forbidden from cleaning, Chloe and Stevi were told they had to give up each other. Way harsh, Big Bro, way harsh.

Big Brother warned them that this meant they could not touch or talk to each other in an affectionate way, nor sleep in the same bed.

Poor Chloe was in bits as she had to hand over her engagement ring, so much so we are starting to think these two crazy kids may actually be genuinely in love.

Sure look at them there now....

You can catch Celebrity Big Brother every night on TV3 at 9pm.