Yesterday, reports emerged of Frances McDormand being in tears at an Oscars after-party after she had apparently lost or misplaced her brand new Best Actress Oscar.

Well, it turns out that the 'Three Billboards...' star hadn't just lost it - it was stolen.

The man - identified by TMZ as Terry Bryant - snatched it off McDormand's table and even filmed himself holding and kissing the award, saying "This is mine. We got it tonight, baby ... who wants to tell me congratulations?", inviting people to pose for selfies with him and claiming that he had won it for 'music'.

McDormand alerted security when she realised it was missing, and the thief was stopped by a photographer who recovered the stolen Oscar and reunited it with its rightful owner.

Bryant, meanwhile, was charged with felony grand theft.

Watch the clip via TMZ below: