If you have ever found your friend count number dwindling on Facebook, it seems science has come up with the answer.

Basically, it's your typical dinner party rules; no religion, and no politics. Yep, according to research your political beliefs is the main reason someone would unfriend you.

Researchers picked the controversial issue of the Israel Gaza conflict, and found that during a recent surge of violence in 2014, 16% of their study participants had unfriended someone based on politics.

Nicholas John of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem said, ‘People unfriend people who have different political views to theirs.

‘We already know that Facebook and search engines provide us with a feed and search results that are tailored to us. By unfriending we are further contributing to the formation of echo chambers and filter bubbles.

‘More than that, these findings suggest that the people most likely to unfriend are younger, more politically active, more active on Facebook, have lots of Facebook friends, and have more extreme political views — these are important people in online discussions.’

Via Esquire