Depending on how often you use Dublin Bus - and indeed, on which routes - your opinion of the service and its employees may vary.

However, the picture below will warm your cockles and give you that post-Christmas glow that we're all in need of on this weird in-between week.

Driver Mark Devereux was snapped by passenger Veronica Walsh as he helped a mother and her baby onto his number 16 bus - not only going out of his way to accommodate their buggy, but actually getting out of his seat to hold the chisler as mum folded up the pram.

Other customers chimed in, saying that he was 'always friendly' and helpful:

As it turns out, Devereux has form in this kind of thing as he was awarded 'Dublin's Best Bus Driver' by 98FM earlier this year.

Now that's what you call keeping up standards. Nice one, Mark.