When will this sweet torture ever end? Just when you thought the 'Baby Shark' fire was starting to fizzle out, along comes James Corden, Sophie Turner, and Josh Groban with their own version of 2018's global phenomenon to blow the heat right back up. 

'The Late Late Show' with Corden kicked off last night with what appeared to be a very sophisticated opening, with Corden sitting at a grand piano underneath a chandelier, sipping on a martini. So far so good. The night went swiftly south from here, when Corden began to belt out a slowed-down version of the now-iconic children's song. 

Turner was carried in by two men to sing the second chorus, as "Mommy Shark". Turner was probably wondering how she got roped into doing this, as she was appearing on the show to announce the release of the trailer for her new movie 'Dark Phoenix'. 

To top off the performance, Groban took on the role of "Daddy Shark" and this new shark family sang happily ever after, or eventually stopped because no-one could bear it anymore. 

Check out the clip below is you need your 'Baby Shark' fix for today.