At this point, a couple of months or so out from when Americans get to cast their votes, the election, sadly could go either way.

Hillary Clinton soundly trounced Donald Trump in the first live debate watched by an estimated 100 million people. But Trump's base would likely need him to wipe his arse with the stars and stripes live on stage before contemplating shifting to Hillary.

Trump is also a fan of patting himself on the back for doing the most basic of stuff. Like not bringing up a spouse's infidelity in the middle of a political debate.

Donald is soooo strong.

His son is also an epic gobshite. It took "courage" apparently.

Eric Trump (who looks like a bad guy in Mr Robot) spewed to 1040 WHO Iowa radio:

“I mean, he really took the high ground where he had the opportunity to go very, very low. And I’m proud of him for doing that. I mean, I’m really proud of him for doing that. And I think people recognize that. I mean, there are a lot of people who came up to me, including many in the media, who said listen, he could’ve just crushed her on that last question. And he would’ve probably hurt a family if he did…I think that took a lot of courage.”

The bar is so low for Donald Trump it is truly staggering.