There's die-hard fans, and there's die-hard fans (And then there's also Die Hard fans, but they're a different breed altogether). 'The Unipiper', as he has named himself, is a Portland, Oregan based unicycle and bagpipe enthusiast, and also clearly a fan of Lord of the Rings and the upcoming Hobbit movie. Not unfamiliar with pop culture tributes, The Unipiper has in the past been Mario and Darth Vader, both equally bizarre, hilarious and/or terrifying depending on your feeling towards bagpipes and men in kilts. Imagine seeing this flying down the street towards you? This time around, in celebration of The Hobbit's release in 10 days, he's taken a turn as Gandalf.  I don't know what's more impressive; the skill, the idea or the fact that he's playing the theme music so well.