Eminem made an appearance on US radio show Sway in the Morning yesterday, undertaking a freestyle rap verse that went on for six minutes.

During it, the rapper lampooned everyone from Donald Trump to Bill Cosby to Caitlyn Jenner, although he insisted that none of it was personal. "It's very rarely personal. If it was personal, somebody would know," he said. "It's all in fun."

Some of the lines included "'I'm fucked worse than Donald Trump / On Lexapro in Mexico across from a Texaco in a McDonald's, drunk" and "I invented prick, and that’s a true statement, I see the bitch in you, Caitlyn / Keep the pistol tucked like Bruce Jenner’s dick" - although he did pause after the latter to say "No disrespect though, not at all / No pun intended, that took a lot of balls."

Hear the full verse below:

Via RollingStone.com