Lady Gaga has lost out on hundreds of millions of YouTube views after the Google-owned streaming service cleared out stats that it deemed has been artificially ramped up.

This comes just a few weeks after the YouTube pages of music behemoths Sony and Universal were denied over 2 billion views after Google decided to remove view counts for videos that that were no longer live on the channel, declaring them "dead videos".

Sony and Universal operate the ad-heavy VEVO service within YouTube, which you have no doubt seen online, as a combined effort to increase advertising revenue but instead the VEVO videos are the focal point of Google's clean-up.

Several other high profile artists have also been stripped of views, including Beyonce, Chris Brown (our heart bleeds...) and Michael Jackson.

Lady Gaga previously attracted Google's ire in July 2011 when her YouTube account was suspended for what Google claimed was: "multiple or severe violations of YouTube's copyright policy."