There's a very curious relationship between people and bears.

People are fascinated by the furry creatures. It's the only way to explain the invention of the teddy bear and the numerous characters who are bears in children's literature over the years. 

For some reason we have this idea of them being cuddly, but let's not fool ourselves kids, in general, bears are not cuddly. They are fierce and they are vicious and if you meet one in a forrest all alone, chances are things will not end well for you. 

There are many theories on how to fend off a bear and they vary depending on the type of bear you meet but the general consensus is that if you're limited in time, act like a maniac and try and "scare" the bear away. Just like the Swedish guy does in this video.  

The unidentified man didn't really have many options when the beast came at him at full pelt, so making himself look big and screaming at the bear was the only thing he really could do. Luckily for him, it worked and he got a deadly viral video out of the deal. 

This method isn't exactly foolproof though as you never know when you might meet a bear that roars back so perhaps the safest method is to just stay the hell away from bears people!

Via Uproxx