We know that Seagal is a patriot, after his heroic actions aboard the USS Missouri (faithfully portrayed in the docu-drama Under Siege) and it seems that he's earned Putin's respect as a result. 

According to four different U.S. officials, a very serious offer was made by Vladimir Putin to use Steven Seagal as their man in the US, and he believed would actually help to improve the frosty relations between himself and Obama, who had apparently never gotten along. 

According to BuzzFeed News, the pair's first meeting was a disaster which meant that they didn't meet again for many years, and as they came face to face once again at the G8 summit in Lough Erne back in 2013, Putin suggested that they "make Steven Seagal an honorary consul of Russia in California and Arizona."

The White House predictably reacted with incredulity ("you've got to be kidding" were the exact words, according to an official who chose to remain anonymous) but it seems that Seagal and Putin were in fact friends. Seagal had met with Putin in 2013 in Moscow, had lunch, and visited a martial-arts complex too. Putin respected that Seagal was in touch with his Russian heritage (his grandparents are from Vladivostock) and the action-star/musician/martial arts expert is apparently close "with senior figures in the Russian political and security apparatus". 

If this offer is still on the table, we can't overstate how amazing this would be. Think of the documentary they could make about it! "Steven Seagal is Above the Law as The Patriot enters The Belly of the Beast to help the clowns in the White House make an Executive Decision. He's A Dangerous Man when he tries to do something with Maximum Conviction, but is it too late and are relations between America and Russia Half Past Dead?". 

No word of a lie those are all Seagal movies. His oeuvre lends itself to maximum pun-ishment. 

Via BuzzFeed News.