While we often say that our politicians have gone to the dogs, that dictum was a bit less metaphorical yesterday in San Francisco.

Why? Because Frida the chihuahua was crowned mayor for the day after her owner Dean Clark bid $5,000 for her to be awarded the prestigious position, and we're sure her pre-election promise of mandatory belly rubs was also a big vote winner.

Now it was mostly a ceremonial role, unfortunately, but she did get to wear a little jumper and a number of other outfits so that she looked the part for the occasion. 

Her day consisted of touring a few of the city's landmarks before heading to a meeting with the real mayor, Ed Lee, who thanked her and recognised her hard work, and then attending a special press conference in her honour at City Hall where she got a gift basket and plenty of new doggy toys.

The purpose of the stunt was to raise awareness of the work that the Animal Care and Control Department does every day in the city, and in general for animal welfare. No word on a run for higher office from Frida, but we won't rule it out.

Via Mashable. Main pic via Yousaf Rafiq/Twitter