Since team-shooter Overwatch launched, many players have taken the rich variety of characters in the game to heart.

The game took a leaf out of the likes of Street Fighter and made the various classes of characters uniquely individual than, say, Call of Duty - which is just different varieties of nondescript soldiers and operators. In Overwatch, each character looks, sounds and acts completely different from one another.

This feature is most likely one of the reasons why Overwatch has become such a popular shooter. In fact, some hardcore fans of the game have even taking to drawing up elaborate and complex backstories and personalities for each characters based on what they perceive to be traits. One such character, Tracer, became a favourite with players almost from release and fans wrote elaborate fan-fiction that posited Tracer's sexuality as queer.

With the release of Overwatch's first official comics based on the game, Tracer is shown embracing and kissing an unnamed female partner, confirming long-held fan theories about the character. Previously, Blizzard - the gaming studio behind Overwatch - stopped short of confirming Tracer as queer, but did mention that at least one of the characters was LGBT.

Of course, Tracer isn't the first LGBT character in gaming history. Super Mario Bros. 2, released in 1989, featured a character that was born male but believed themselves to be female. Remember the pink bird thing at the end of the first level that shot eggs out of its mouth? Birdo. Yup, Birdo was LGBT.

Every day's a school day.


Via Blizzard