There are two inexplicable news stories doing the rounds today. The first somewhat expected, while the second is completely ridiculous.

They've decided to remake the cult action flick, Point Break - which I already thought happened with Fast and the Furious. The film centred on Keanu Reeves' rookie cop, who pretends to be a surfer to get in with a gang of bank robbers he suspects to be lead by Patrick Swayze's charismatic beach dweller. No word on a director or star yet, but unless a serious name becomes attached to helm, I wouldn't hold out much hope for that one.

The second, even more ridiculous, story is that Top Gun is not being remade, or just re-released; but converted to 3D and THEN re-released - so they can charge you more for tickets I'm assuming. I like Top Gun; it's basically an overlong aftershave commercial, but it's actually good fun. What's the point in the 3D, though? Hasn't Hollywood realised that unless James Cameron is directing people don't give a crap?

If Taylor Lautner is reading this (and I'm assuming he is), just because they said "Top Gun" and "Remake" in the same news piece, doesn't mean you need to call your agent - sit down.