A couple of these people could make some serious cash as celebrity impersonators, if they were that way inclined. 

Reddit is useful for a whole bunch of things, from people posting the weirdest and most disgusting things they can find, to random discussions about topics that occur to you in the shower, but one of the best threads there in a while was the one asking the real people of reddit if they had any celebrity doppelganger

The response to the thread has been pretty amazing, and there are a few dead ringers in there that we simply had to feature, so here are a few of our favourites. 

This guy who looks like James Franco:

Scarlett Johansson look-a-like lady, who we have asked to marry us. We got there first too, so get lost everyone else. 

Someone posted this picture of their friend, who is apparently a cross between Ryan Gosling and Ryan Reynolds, which we're sure is popular with everyone. Either way, this man is handsome, and that is a scientific fact. 

One redditor (bravely) posted a picture of his girlfriend, who could be an Aubrey Plaza stunt double

This member said their dad looks like none other than Ireland's own James Bond, Pierce Brosnan. That's a good look. 

This girl gets mistaken for Emma Watson on a regular basis, and we can definitely see why. 

In full costume to give that added effect, these two pals often find that people think they're Jonah Hill and Zak Galifianakis. 

This guy is creepily similar to Lewis Hamilton, so much so that we can't be sure whether or not it's Lewis himself posting.

Everyone loves Steve Buscemi because he's a legend. We're not sure if this guy is a legend, but he sure looks like Steve. 

And last but not least, Ed Sheeran and Ed Sheeran. Ridiculous. 

To check out a whole pile more of the look-a-likes (some great, some not so great), check out the full reddit thread, which has an absolute ton of submissions. 

Via Reddit.