Today alone has seen the announcement of two remakes of classic films.

John Carpenter's Escape From New York is finally getting remade, after a long stint in development hell whilst David Fincher is rejigging Strangers On A Train.

Next year will see Batman rebooted for the umpteenth time as Ben Affleck - also starring in the Strangers On A Train remake - donning the cowl and cape.

Even in arthouse cinema is no longer immune to remakes, with Spike Lee reimagining arthouse horror Ganja & Hess for a new generation with Da Sweet Blood Of Jesus.

So, the question we're asking is this, are we sick of remakes? Or do you feel they have something to offer?

Some remakes are clearly just a cash-in, trading on the popularity and name recognition of the original.

Others offer a genuinely new take on an existing film, offering a brand-new perspective on a story we all know.

Let us know your thoughts and vote in our poll!