It's safe to say this is one of the more bizarre movie stories that we've ever heard. John Malkovich is bringing a new movie to Cannes, but nobody will be able to watch it until 2115. 

Billed as 'the movie you'll never see', 100 Years sees Malkovich star in a movie set in the year 2115. Directed by Robert Rodriguez (Sin City, Spy Kids), the movie imagines what the world of 2115 will be like. 

The film is currently in a special safe and will be brought to the Cannes film festival by Malkovich who will then program the safe so that it will automatically open on the 18th of November 2115.

We understand the novelty aspect of it but this feels a little silly to us. What if the technology needed to play the movie is extinct in 2115? What then guys? 

If you somehow manage to make it to November 18th 2115 you'll have the option of 100 Years or Star Wars Episode 59 (probably).

Via YouTube