Gerard Butler has already starred as a retired footballer in Playing for Keeps (also starring Jessica Biel) and now he's set for another return to the field (albeit with an altogether different tone) in World War 2 football film, Dynamo. Maybe there just aren't that many Hollywood actors who could convincingly play a footballer. Beats me to even think of one. Anyhoo, Butler's the man for the job here. Based on Andy Dougan's non-fiction novel, Dynamo tells the true story of the Dynamo Kiev football team, who took shelter in a bakery after their capital was taken over by German forces. In one of the more interesting stories to surface during this time of war, the Nazis actually allowed an officially sanctioned match between the surviving Kiev team members and their Luftwaffe squad.

Certainly one to keep an eye out for. The story's already a winner; it's Butler's attempted European accent that would have us worried. Let's not forget his Irish turn in PS I Love You. Expect filming to begin sometime in 2013.