Never mind the fact that Trump is currently being investigated for colluding with Putin and the Russians to fraudulently win the US election and that he is alleged to have links to mob bosses in, it's now looking like the orange prick was hanging around with another international supervillain - Hans Gruber.

Yes, really.

As detailed by German outlet Deutsche Welle, Trump was planning to make a move into the country - Berlin, specifically - with a plan to build the largest skyscraper in the capital around early 2000. Trump Deutschland AG was formed with Trump as shareholder and one Hans Ulrich Gruber as CEO. Gruber was known primarily in Germany as the head of steel conglomerate ThyssenKrupp.

For a myriad of reasons, however, Trump never did do any more business in Germany and the plan to build a Nakatomi Trump Tower in Berlin fell apart. Still, it's kind of fun to think that Trump was hanging out with a guy with the same name as an iconic screen villain - and not becoming one himself.


Via Deutsche Welle