The long-awaited X Files movie got its London premiere last night and, boy, was Agent Mulder chuffed to be part of the proceedings. I can almost hear the words of joy tumbling from his mouth in this picture. So joyous were they that Agent Scully planned a bid for freedom, calling on her alien friends to airlift her from the throng of uber celebs who turned up to help them celebrate this momentous occasion, for fear such levels of jubilant ecstasy would send her into early labour. Seriously though, can you blame Duchovny for looking so dour... there he is, surveying the attendees, most of which were in their infancy when the X Files first aired. Can you blame him for wondering what in the name of Jaysis is going on and brandishing the back of his hand when faced with Tom Fletcher's chirpy chin.

Speaking of McFly's Tom Fletcher. I got the following mail, allegedly from Mr. Fletcher, many moons ago in response to a less than stellar album review. Said mail went as follows...

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------

From: tfletch@
Sent: 15 November 2006 14:32
[email protected]
Subject: Comments from tom fletcher

If your going to review my album, at least get my f***ing lyrics right before you insult them.


On 15 Nov 2006, at 15:58, Sheena McGinley wrote:

Hi there Tom,
Thanks for taking the time to send us a comment.
Just to let you know that I took the lyrics quoted directly from the album inset. Which one are you referring to exactly?
Best wishes.

Sheena McGinley

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: tom fletcher
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2006 21:15:19 +0000

>Ha, well i cant argue with that! Just to say that whoever wrote the
>lyrics in our album sleeve (probably Danny) is a complete prune!
>If you want to sing along with the correct lyrics whilst playing
>"name that tune" then in Star Girl it is "when i fell in love with
>uranus" and in Little Joanna it is "where celluloid dreams are made"
>not "cellulite". As you can imagine it takes a lot of time, effort
>and passion to write an album. Being in a band takes over all our
>lives and its just a big kick in the teeth reading bad reviews.


To: tom fletcher
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2006 08:52:50 +0000
Subject: Re: Comments from tom fletcher

Ah, that review's not all teeth kicking, it's quite positive in bits. There are other reviews on the site which are considerably more scathing.
I KNEW that Uranus line was wrong, but thought it best to go with the printed words. "Celluloid" might be more apt, although the sooner people start celebrating cellulite the better.
Might I suggest some words be exchanged with the person who OKs the insets and pass on my regards to your bassist, whom I lust after in a wildly inapropriate manner.

Enjoy the toy show, be sure to compliment Pat on his fetching Christmas jumper.

