Rejoice. For today, you don't have to go to Liverpool for tha' reeeeel naaaachtural luuuhck, 'n tha, you can just hop on to the hinterweb, and within a week, you too could have your squished nipples on display. Hurrah!

A gaggle of Porn Bot replicants (some suffering from some fuel emission issues, see examples A and B) - and Marcus Collins (who had a bit of a to do with this interchangeable at the soiree) - convened at the launch of latest fashion webstore 'Scouse Boutique' at Palm Sugar in Liverpool.

These three bots are responsible for the site which will be "paahhcked fulla new an eeexcluuuhsive fashion ranges to all ages (sure) and buhdgets... It's gonna be boss!"

Or so says the opening patter of their site, which features a mixed media depiction of the Porn Bots in Brat form.

"All ages" me heeeewp.