We had quite the party on Wednesday night for The erics, our annual entertainment awards. This year was the first time we actually held a big LIVE ceremony, hosted by Sean Munsanje, and plenty of beautiful people showed up.

There was Prince Joffrey off Game of Thrones and his actor mate Aaron Heffernan, the lads from What Richard Did (with Philly off RAW), Lenny Abrahamson via video, Riyadh Khalaf, Wallis Bird, Brian and Dara off the radio, Nick Munier from MasterChef Ireland, fashionable weather woman Jean Byrne, Ah Heyohr Leave Eh Ouh woman Anne Grimes, Bouts, Leanne Harte, Heathers, Delorentos, Peter Coonan aka Fran off Love/Hate and so many more. Including Daniella Moyles. But then again you all know she was there. We had our cameras out on the night to capture all the action as it happened...

Be warned, the below video is not for those with a sensitive disposition...