As per our serious reporting last week, we uncovered images of Chris Evans' somewhat-hidden past as a cover model for 90's teenage boardgame Mystery Date.

The images show Evans as "Tyler", one of the dreamy dates players could go on.

As we were due to chat to the cast of Avengers: Age of Ultron, we knew we had to bring up these images and find out whether or not they were real or not.

FYI, here's the photo in question.

As it turns out, the photos were legit and Evans really was on the cover of Mystery Date. As you'll see in the interview, Evans booked the job when he was but a wee lad. We also found out that Scarlett Johansson was in Home Alone 3 and that Mark Ruffalo was in a Clearasil ad.

We are now scouring the Internet for that ad. If you find it before us, do let us know.