You may recall hearing about Lindsay Lohan getting into a bit of a prang in her car last June, when a car in which she was travelling milled into a truck. The Mean Girls star had vigorously denied that she was at the wheel at the time of the accident and that Los Angeles police were conspiring against her. Our heart bleeds for you, Lindsay.

However it would seem that Lohan neglected to inform her assistant Gavin of the particulars of the fib – and he blabbed to the cops that Lohan WAS actually behind the wheel. This means two things: the first is that Lindsay Lohan is not to be believed (nothing new there, really) and second, this Gavin character is in a LOT of trouble with Team Lohan.

Gavin’s statement was also backed up by the truck driver who was hit by Lohan’s car.

Lohan is reportedly growing more and more paranoid (drugs are bad, kids) that the local feds have a vendetta against her and are pushing for her to be jailed again. One more conviction of this nature would violate Lohan’s parole, meaning that the former child star could be heading back to the slammer before too long.

She reportedly told friends: 'One car accident could ruin everything for me.'

Lindsay is on probation since being found guilty of stealing a necklace in July 2011, for which she was sentenced to 120 days in prison and 480 hours of community service, and is telling pals she has since done everything right to abide by the law.

Gavin must have missed that memo.