There is a new movement finally publicly rearing its head in Hollywood, and it's called 'Sisterhood.' It's probably always been there, just no one ever really talked about it. No one has publicly said 'Hey, women in Hollywood don't get to hang out together that much because we're all vying for the same 3 parts - LET'S HANGOUT!" Enter Anna Faris. She's had enough. 

Being married to fellow actor Chris Pratt has highlighted how polarised relationships are between the sexes in Hollywood. Speaking via Uproxx, she said:

"Chris is buddies with all these actors. They’ll do each other favors, they’ll go to each other’s table reads. And the only times I see actress acquaintances of mine is at events. We don’t have a sense of community because we don’t get to work with each other often. So I want to start a monthly brunch at my house. No agenda, just actresses hanging out and getting to know each other. Because we don’t get that. Instead it’s a feeling of being pitted against one another. And if we create a brilliant project, awesome. As women, we definitely have to generate our own work. Part of it is just the sad fact that something like one in every three to four roles is a woman. So men have more opportunity. And you have all these women fighting for the same roles. Financially, studios can be like, ‘Well we’ll just change out this one for that one and pay her less.’ I love that these ideas are gaining momentum."

No doubt those among the attendees would be Patricia Arquette, who got this ball rolling at this year's Oscars...