Not content with getting her car impounded after driving around LA for several hours "sometimes cutting off other drivers and violating traffic laws" - while smoking a hash pipe - on a suspended license due to a hit and run incident, Amanda Bynes has now taken to barricading herself in shop changing rooms for extended periods.

The Nickleodeon's answer to Lindsay Lohan (who's not a fan) caused concern to shopkeepers at the Kin store in West Hollywood who thought she was 'doing drugs' when she refused to come out for a considerable amount of time yesterday afternoon.

A shop assistant told a mouthy randomer: "I was so worried about her. I didn't know what she was doing in the dressing room. I didn't know if she was overdosing or doing drugs or what."

According to TMZ, Amanda communicated with staff by making a banging noise on the inside of the changing room every 10 minutes for one hour and 45 minutes.

When they asked her to come out, she refused, telling them she needed "more time".

She eventually exited and purchased a pair of stilettos and some sunglasses, but as she was going to leave she realised she had not paid for swimming togs she had under her dress, which she forgot was on and bought while still wearing. Exciting.

Amanda eventually left when those in the shop called a taxi for her.

Last April, when involved in that hit and run, Amanda's father Rick insisted "She was not drunk. I was told that she blew a zero on the breathalyzer. She didn't have a single drink that night. She doesn't drink." Well that's one thing she can scratch off the list.