In 1992, Pearl Jam arrived on the scene with Ten, a blindingly successful metallic rock album that turned the Seattle slackers into overnight stars. A decade is an awful long time in pop music, however - and Riot Act sounds like the work of an entirely different band, a hauntingly downbeat set that reflects Eddie Vedder's growing unease with the state of modern America. And while the shortcomings of the President himself are given a good going over in the vicious 'Bushleager', these days Vedder is increasingly choosing to express himself in the kind of cryptic, semi-mystical language so beloved by Michael Stipe. It could so easily have fallen flat on its face - but instead, much of the time it works, thanks to the band's skilful, expansive arrangements and a musical backing that's far closer to art-rock than traditional grunge. They'll probably never quite recapture the commercial heights they once enjoyed, but this intriguing record proves that artistically Pearl Jam are as relevant as ever.
search for anything!
e.g. The Wild Robot
or maybe 'Skeleton Crew'
The Day of the Jackal
Timothée Chalamet
search for anything!